x So, hey guys how are you hope you are fine so guys from you lot of people are suffering from the problem of black or ugly lips and in the mind of yours things are swirling like- Which lip balm is best to make lips pink | How can men get better lips | How can we remove tan from lips | How do you make lips pink naturally Home remedies | Is Vaseline good for lips?What should I do for pink lips | What causes black lips | How can we remove blackness of lips | How do you get rid of red lips fast | Click to get black hairs So guys in this article i cleared the queries which are mentioned above by following the tips which i am giving on regular basis your lips will become permanently baby pink in just 3 days . Causes of ugly or dirty lips ---- 1. Smoking 2. too much caffeine 3. excessive exposure to the sun First thing is smoking cigrate due to smoking lot of skin disease can causes like hair falling h...